Event Details
- Conference
This event has been completed
Nuclei in the Cosmos XII - August 05, 2012 - August 10, 2012
- Cairns Convention Centre
Cairns, Australia
- Introduction
- Nuclei in the Cosmos is the Premier international meeting in Nuclear Astrophysics. Researchers in nuclear physics, astronomy and astrophysics, meteoritics and planetary science, and cosmology get together to discuss current key multidisciplinary questions, such as the origin of the elements, the physics of thermonuclear stellar explosions, and the nature of dense nuclear matter. The 12th conference in the series is organised by a network of Australasian institutes, including the Australian National University, Monash University, Swinburne University, and the Australian Astronomical Observatory.
- Participant
- Schedule
- Useful Links
- Reference link 1
- Reference link 2
- About Organiser
- Please refer to useful link section