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  •   Workshop  

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    2nd International Workshop on Context Aware Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing Environments (CAM 12)

  • March 26, 2012 - March 29, 2012
  •   Fukuoka, Japan
  • Introduction  
  • The aim of this workshop is to gather researchers in the emerging area of context aware middleware to exchange knowledge and ideas. CAM12 will feature world-renowned keynote speakers and excellent invited talks to discuss the state-of-the-art in this area.
    Context is a fundamental concept in the pervasive computing, which is defined as any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity. A context aware application always uses context to adapt its behavior and provide improved and pervasive services to the users. The main challenge to implement a context aware application is discovering and obtaining the required context. Context aware middlewares aim to facilitate the development of context aware applications. In general, the task of a context aware middleware is firstly discovering context sources; and then gathering, aggregating, modeling, conflict resolving, and reasoning context; and finally creating transparent mechanisms for context aware applications to obtain their context needs
  • Participant  

  • Schedule  
  • CAM12 invites authors to submit their papers that address issues related to context awareness. Topics of interest are included but not limited to:

    Local /Multi-Domain Context aware middleware
    Local /Multi-Domain Context management architecture/framework
    Mobility issues in Context Management
    Scalability issues in Context Management
    Context discovery
    Context aggregation
    Context modeling and reasoning
    Context distribution/dissemination. 
    Context aware applications

    Paper submission October 1, 2011
    Notification of acceptance December 1, 2011
    Author Registration December 23, 2011
    Final camera ready paper January 6, 2012
  •   Useful Links  
  • Reference link 1 
  • Reference link 2 
  •  About Organiser
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