Event Details
- Exhibition
This event has been completed
International Robot Exhibition 2011 - November 09, 2011 - November 12, 2011
- Tokyo International Exhibition Center
Tokyo, Japan
- Introduction
- Robot Technology (RT) has not only contributed to rapid progress of world's manufacturing industry, but also gradually expanded in our daily life. Attempts have been made by RT to solve various issues in the fields of manufacturing, security, medical and welfare. RT and Service Robots are also expected to be major players to create a new type of industry. Theme of this year’s International Robot Exhibition (iREX 2011) is “Making a Future with Robot”, with hope for further advances of RT for the future. World’s leading companies / organizations will exhibit leading-edge robot technologies and products at this exhibition. This fair provides areas for both business matching and technology exchange. We sincerely look forward to your participation at this show.
- Participant
- Schedule
- Useful Links
- Reference link 1
- About Organiser
- Japan Robot Association
- W: http://www.jara.jp/e/index.html