Event Details
- Congress
This event has been completed
Behaviour Change for Sustainability National Congress 2011 - November 10, 2011 - November 11, 2011
Sydney, NSW, Australia
- Introduction
- Congress Aims
The overarching aim of this national congress is to inspire and re-invigorate behaviour change for sustainability professionals to continue and advance their vital work in our communities and organisations.
Presented in partnership with the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage and developed in collaboration with some of Australia's most active and committed behaviour change practitioners, we will once again:
* bring together a diverse range of thinkers, researchers and practitioners
* explore complex issues around behaviour change
* use a careful blend of traditional and innovative facilitation techniques
* inform and inspire you to come up with agile solutions to complex problems
* maximise on the knowledge, ideas and experience of all congress delegates
- Participant
- Schedule
- Useful Links
- Reference link 1
- About Organiser
- 3 Pillars Network