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    ECI Conference on Carbon-Based Nano-Materials and Devices

  • October 16, 2011 - October 21, 2011
  • Garden Hotel Suzhou
  •   Suzhou, China
  • Introduction  
  • This conference aims to provide a forum for researchers, scientists and engineers from different countries worldwide, who are actively involved in the research on carbon-based nanoscience and nanotechnology, in particular on (1) Synthesis and functionalization of carbon nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, graphene, nano diamonds, etc; (2) Advanced characterization of carbon-based nano-materials such as synchrotron radiation characterization, in situ imaging, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, etc; (3) device applications such as organic electronics (OLEDs, OPVs, OTFTs, etc), graphene-, carbon nanotube-, and nano diamond-based prototype devices (cancer diagnosis/cure, biological/chemical sensing, energy conversion/harvesting, catalysis, etc); and (4) modeling and computation in the above areas, to disseminate their latest research results and development achievements.

  •   Useful Links  
  • Reference link 1 
  •  About Organiser
  • Engineering Conferences International 
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