Event Details
- Seminar
This event has been completed
The burden of HIV/AIDS for developing countries - November 21, 2011 - November 22, 2011
Kuala Lumpur, Japan
- Introduction
- Within the framework of the United Nation Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), HIV/AIDS represent a public health emergency of international concern. Given the magnitude of the pandemic especially in low- and middle-income countries, any efforts to combat it require a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral approach.While the relation and interaction between HIV/AIDS and mental health has been widely documented, mental health disorders in low- and middle-income countries do not attract global health policy attention. And although some 90% of the burden of HIV/AIDS is in developing countries, very little research has emerged regarding HIV/AIDS and mental health for the afflicted population in that part of the world.UNU-IIGH aims to bring together a selected group of stakeholders — including scientists, researchers, policy makers, civil society representatives, frontline workers, UN agencies and NGOs — to share significant findings, promote collaboration and coordination and transfer experiences from a multidisciplinary approach on the issue of socio-economic and mental health burden of HIV/AIDS. This international seminar also will address gaps in policies and promote the integration of primary mental health care approach into HIV/AIDS programmes to overcome current and future challenges.The seminar will have four broad themesSocio-economic burden of HIV/AIDSMental health burden of HIV/AIDSCare delivery and response from the frontline peoplePrimary mental health and HIV/AIDS care services
- Useful Links
- Reference link 1
- About Organiser
- E: koffi.kouadio@unu.edu