Event Details
- Conference
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The 11th WSEAS/IASME International Conference on ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS, HIGH VOLTAGES, ELECTRIC MACHINES (POWER '11 ) - October 03, 2011 - October 05, 2011
Penang, Malaysia
- Introduction
- The International Conference of WSEAS on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages and Electric Machines is the internationally recognised Forum for the dissemination of the latest advances on Power Technology, Electric Energy Systems, High Voltages Engineering, Electric Machines as well as in Electric Energy Distribution, Renewable Energy, Environmental Aspects and so on. The various WSEAS conferences on Energy has been successfully held each year since 2000 and has produced more than 15 volumes of Proceedings while the best papers and the invited papers after extension and after peer review from 4 international referees, are published in WSEAS Journals covered by all the major scientific indexes.The 11th WSEAS International Conference on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages and Electric Machines aims to disseminate the latest research and applications.
- Useful Links
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- Reference link 2
- About Organiser
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