Event Details
- Workshop
This event has been completed
IIP Workshop on Frustrated Magnetism: From Spin ice to Kagome Planes - December 11, 2011 - December 17, 2011
- International Institute of Physics
Natal, Brazil
- Introduction
- This workshop, Frustrated Magnets: From Spin Ice to Kagomé Planes is motivated by the rich physics emerging from kagomé and pyrochlore magnets. Leading theorists and experimentalists in physics, chemistry and material science will gather in Natal to give lectures and research talks that will introduce the topic, review some seminal work and then concentrate on questions for future research, such as how to relate the physics developed so far, in the classical domain, to quantum systems, how to incorporate disorder, how to develop towards metallic systems, with reference to relevant long-range interactions such as RKKY. Although this will be a theory driven workshop, there will be an extensive input from experimental groups.
- Useful Links
- Reference link 1
- About Organiser
- International Institute of Physics
- W: http://www.iip.ufrn.br/