Event Details
- Workshop
This event has been completed
50th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs, ERL2011 - October 16, 2011 - October 21, 2011
- KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Tsukuba, Japan
- Introduction
- Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs) are emerging as a powerful new paradigm of electron accelerators as they hold the promise of delivering high average current beams while maintaining beam quality of linacs. Envisioned ERL applications include accelerators for the production of synchrotron radiation, free electron lasers, high-energy electron cooling devices and electron-ion colliders
- Participant
- Schedule
- Deadline of Abstracts Submission: 2 September, 2011Deadline of Early Registration: 2 September, 2011Final Registration: 10 October, 2011Paper Submission : to be announcedConference: 16 - 21 October , 2011
- Useful Links
- Reference link 1
- Reference link 2
- About Organiser
- Please refer to useful link section