Event Details
- Conference
This event has been completed
The 7th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT) - December 06, 2011 - December 09, 2011
- University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
- Introduction
- CoNEXT 2011 will be a major forum for presentations and discussions of novel networking technologies that will shape the future of Internetworking.The conference is single track and features a high-quality technical program with significant opportunities for individual and small-group technical and social interactions among a diverse set of participants. The CoNEXT conferences focus on stimulating exchanges between various international research communities.
- Participant
- Schedule
- Abstract submission June 10, 2011Paper submission June 17, 2011Notification September 16, 2011Camera ready October 31, 2011Conference December 6-9, 2011
- Useful Links
- Reference link 1
- About Organiser
- Please refer to useful link section