Event Details
- Conference
This event has been completed
GSA’s 4th Biennial Conference - The Gujarati Community: Globalisation, Mobility and Belonging
- February 15, 2012 - February 16, 2012
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Introduction
- Objective of Conference is: To advance the education of the public regarding the Gujarati language and culture and To promote racial harmony and promote good race relations between persons from different racial groups
- Participant
- Dr. Farouk Topan (AKU-ISMC)Professor Helene Basu (Münster)
- Schedule
28 November 2011 Presenter Registration & Early Bird Registration Closes
16 January 2012 Conference Registration Closes
- Useful Links
- About Organiser
- Gujarat Studies Association
- E: enquiries@gujaratstudies.org