Japanese food products, ingredient and nutrition guide
Product list in English and Japanese
Quasi Chocolate
  • Source
  • E Number
  • NIS Code
  • J Code
  • H Code
  • What is Quasi Chocolate
  • Quasi Chocolate has Cocoa content ≥15%, cocoa butter ≥3%, fats ≥18%, water ≤3%
  • In Japan,'chocolate products' are classified on a complex scale (q.v. ja:チョコレート#チョコレートの規格). Chocolate materials (チョコレート生地 chokorēto kiji?): Pure chocolate material (純チョコレート生地 jun-chokorēto kiji?) Cocoa content ≥35%, cocoa butter ≥18%, sucrose ≤55%, lecithin ≤0.5%, no additives other than lecithin and vanilla flavouring, no fats other than cocoa butter and milk fats, water ≤3% Pure milk chocolate material (純ミルクチョコレート生地 jun-miruku chokorēto kiji?) Cocoa content ≥21%, cocoa butter ≥18%, milk solids ≥14%, milk fats ≥3.5%, sucrose ≤55%, lecithin ≤0.5%, no additives other than lecithin and vanilla flavouring, no fats other than cocoa butter and milk fats, water ≤3% Chocolate material (チョコレート生地 chokorēto kiji?) Cocoa content ≥35%, cocoa butter ≥18%, water ≤3%. It is also permitted to substitute milk solids for cocoa content as follows: cocoa content ≥21%, cocoa butter ≥18%, combined milk solids & cocoa content ≥35%, milk fats ≥3%, water ≤3%. Milk chocolate material (ミルクチョコレート生地 miruku chokorēto kiji?) Cocoa content ≥21%, cocoa butter ≥18%, milk solids ≥14%, milk fats ≥3%, water ≤3% Quasi chocolate material (準チョコレート生地 jun-chokorēto kiji?) a Cocoa content ≥15%, cocoa butter ≥3%, fats ≥18%, water ≤3% Quasi milk chocolate material (準ミルクチョコレート生地 jun-miruku chokorēto kiji?) Cocoa content ≥7%, cocoa butter ≥3%, fats ≥18%, milk solids ≥12.5%, milk fats ≥2%, water ≤3% Chocolate products (チョコレート製品 chokorēto seihin?): Products using milk chocolate or quasi milk chocolate as described above are handled in the same way as chocolate / quasi chocolate. Chocolate (チョコレート chokorēto?) Processed chocolate products made from chocolate material itself or containing at least 60% chocolate material. Processed chocolate products must contain at least 40% chocolate material by weight. Amongst processed chocolate products, those containing at least 10% by weight of cream and no more than 10% of water can be called raw chocolate (生チョコレート nama chokorēto?) Chocolate sweet (チョコレート菓子 chokorēto kashi?) Processed chocolate products containing less than 60% chocolate material Quasi chocolate (準チョコレート jun-chokorēto?) The Quasi symbol should officially be circled. Processed quasi chocolate products made from quasi chocolate material itself or containing at least 60% quasi chocolate material. Quasi chocolate sweet (準チョコレート菓子 jun-chokorēto kashi?) Processed quasi chocolate products containing less than 60% quasi chocolate material