Start buying cars from Japan right now!

Oliac Japan, a 4582 days old used cars exporter in Japan. Our service includes, finding year of manufacture of Japanese cars, export of Japanese and non-Japanese used cars, export of damaged/salvage cars and export of new and used auto parts

Buy Used Cars Now!

We offer prices for used and damaged cars that helps you increase your profit multifold. Our parts' network, helps you repair damaged cars in a timely manner.

Discuss with us your requirements. Talk to our sales team to find the best solution fitted to your business model.

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Visit our stock of damaged cars
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Find Year of Manufacture of Japanese cars

Japanese Motor Guide

Complete guide to know the specifications of Japanese cars manufactured in Japan. It makes old and new model comparison easy!

Stat of Car Exports

How many used cars are being exported from Japan on monthly basis. This data help you improve your sales target and strategy on monthly basis.

Find Vehicle Grades

We have provided official links of all Japanese car manufacturers to know package detail through chassis number.